School friendly Energy Bites

Many schools these days have a Nut Free policy. There are loads of companies that provide a guaranteed nut free ingredient list but if you’re looking to do the same thing at home these school friendly, easy to make energy bites are your answer!

The best thing about these bites is that they contain absolutely nothing but good ingredients!

Dates have been a big hit in our house these days. We’ve been adding them to all sorts of stuff, and my two year old has been eating them whole! We find them most cost effective at Costco, but you can get them at most grocery stores.

If your child's school is a Nut Free zone these school friendly energy bites are your answer for a delicious snack your kids will love!

These energy bites are inspired from this recipe. Sheena and I are forever looking up new snacks to make our kiddos happy. Truly, the way to a child’s heart is through their stomach. Things like energy bites help make little adventures fun, but also keep our kids bodies nourished and healthy!

School Friendly Energy Bites

School Friendly Energy Bites